Of tennis players and EU energy: GasWeek 2015
Dear all,
This week is a special one: first, we have made it to our second blog, and we can now officially call it a series.
Second, it is GasWeek!
With a view to spreading the GoodWord about GasNaturally and stimulating the debate around important issues for the future of the European Union, we are organising two workshops, a pub quiz and a site visit.
The debates will be very topical, as GasWeek is happening in the run-up to the European Commission’s release of new actions to deliver on the Energy Union (yes, the ‘winter package,’ as we dubbed it in the EU Bubble.)
Here you can find the full programme, but here’s a taste of what’s to come:
- Tuesday afternoon: workshop to discuss how natural gas is part of the future EU energy supply, as the best partner for renewable energy. The idea: when the sun isn’t shining and the wind is not blowing, we need an alternative, the least emitting one – it’s called natural gas.
- After a coffee, security of supply is on the agenda: how Europe’s internal energy market can strengthen that security, leveraging on the EU’s asset of being within reach of most of the world’s gas reserves. The landscape is evolving rapidly: LNG development, big finds in Egypt, US exports, etc.
- A cocktail/pub quiz/dancing night on Wednesday. Mainly targeted at the European Parliament’s young(er) generations, it will feature drinks, food, a lot of chats and an intriguing prize for the winning team. You’d better check the age of the youngest ever tennis player to win a Grand Slam as that seems to be a recurring question.
- The site visit on Friday is actually… to the LNG terminal in Zeebrugge, at the Belgian coast. Yes, a visit to an industrial installation can be interesting and fun – and we will make sure there is plenty to see and to learn!
I hope that inspires you to join us for one (or all!) of our events.
Looking forward to meeting you in person this GasWeek!
François-Régis Mouton
GasNaturally Chairman